What is the SWVN?


The South West Vascular Network (SWVN) is a networked model for the provision of vascular surgical services across south west London, Surrey, and Sussex.

Areas covered: St George’s Hospital acts as the hub centre for the provision of arterial surgery for the network and is the tertiary referral centre for complex aortic surgery for south west London and Surrey.

Veins surgery, angioplasty, clinics, inpatient opinions, and minor operations take place across the network.

All arterial surgery is undertaken at the St George’s site. The hub site is responsible for providing a 24-hour, on-call service for the local population and the network, with dedicated consultant support to the major trauma centre.

The hub site is also responsible for providing appropriate bed and theatre capacity for all elective vascular and interventional radiology activity for the local population and the network.


Questions may be directed to Gillian Selman, South West Vascular Network Project Manager.