2025 Rare disease notebook webinar series header imageSession 2: Hidden in heart failure: Inherited cardiac conditions

Chairs: TBC

Wednesday, 23 April 2025

Register online


  • When to consider inherited causes of heart failure: top tips and red flags (20 mins) – Gerry Carr-White or Brian Halliday
  • Genomic testing in heart failure: when and how? (15 mins) – Tootie Bueser or Liz Wilson
  • Screening for inherited cardiomyopathies: clinical and genetic testing (15 mins) – Dan Hammersley
  • Q&A session (10 mins)

Quiz / certificate

After the session, try to answer the online quiz to generate a course certificate.

You must correctly answer 5 of 6 quiz questions (83%) to pass.
You may take the quiz as many times as you wish.
You can review the correct answers by clicking the “View score” button after submission.
At busy times, it may take up to 72 hours to receive your certificate. If you do not see it, please check your junk mail folder.


Rachel Bastiaenen

Rachel is a Consultant Cardiologist at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust where she is the Clinical Lead for Inherited Cardiac Conditions. She is also an Honorary Senior Lecturer at King’s College London.

She studied at Peterhouse Cambridge and Imperial College London. She completed Cardiology training in the London Deanery and a fellowship in Vancouver. Her PhD was awarded from St George’s University of London and involved non-invasive risk stratification of patients with cardiomyopathy. Her clinical and research interests focus on inherited arrhythmia syndromes, cardiomyopathies and cardiac MRI.