The COVID-19 pandemic has made us work in a different way to ensure excellent patient care. This includes multidisciplinary team meetings.
South London JCCs

We have now launched our daily (5 day) virtual South London joint cardiology-cardiac (JCC) service hosted by St Thomas’, King’s College and St George’s hospitals.
Held Monday through Friday at 8am on Microsoft Teams, the JCCs provide all referring clinicians with an open forum to discuss patient cases and obtain an immediate outcome.
All 8:00 – 9:00am. Please use the linked email addresses to refer patients to one of these centres for a JCC discussion.
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
GSTT (email) | KCH (email) | GSTT (email) | KCH (email) | SGUH (email) |
Patient cases may be presented at any session, regardless of host. The patient will be transferred to the preferred trust for procedure, where required.
Our virtual network JCCs improve quality, optimise clinical time, and ensure that our patients receive fast, equitable access to specialist cardiac decision making and care. We welcome all clinical colleagues to participate (South London, Kent, Surrey, and Sussex).
Specialty MDTs
New daily multidisciplinary meetings have been established for cardiac and cardiology referrals across the region (south London, Kent, Surrey, Sussex). Open to all clinicians, they provide a rapid, welcoming forum for clinicians to discuss and decide clinical cases.
Specialist care is then shared across the three south London tertiary sites – for safe, rapid care from required specialist teams.
South London MDTs
ACHD MDT | Wednesday, 9:15am-12pm Contact: Aanesh Jadav | |||
EP MDT | Tuesday, 8-9am Contact: Anoop Shetty | Monday, 9-10am Contact: Francis Murgatroyd | Monday, 8-9am Contact: Manav Sohal | |
Heart failure MDT | Thursday, 1-2pm Contact: Jess Webb | Wednesday, 12-2pm Contact: Theresa McDonagh | Thursday, 8-9am Contact: Nick Bunce | |
Cardiovascular genetics | Wednesday, 2:30-3:30pm Contact: Leema Robert for GSTT/KCH / South East ICC network hospitals | Wednesday, 2:30-3:30pm Contact: Leema Robert for GSTT/KCH / South East ICC network hospitals | ||
ICC MDT | Friday, 12:30-2pm Contact: Rachel Bastiaenen for GSTT/KCH / South East ICC network hospitals | Friday, 12:30-2pm Contact: Rachel Bastiaenen for GSTT/KCH / South East ICC network hospitals | Friday, 9am-10.30am Contact: Antonis Pantazis |
Imaging: Echo MDT | Friday, 8-10am Contact: Jane Hancock | Thursday, 12:30-1:30pm Contact: Mark Monaghan | ||
Imaging: MRI MDT | Thursday, 9:30-10:30am Contact: Amedeo Chiribiri | |||
Infective endocarditis MDT | Wednesday, 8-9am Contact: Jane Hancock | Monday, 9-10am Contact: Rafał Dworakowski | ||
Valve MDT | Mitral - Wednesday, 9-9:30am Contact: Jane Hancock | Monday, 8-9am Contact: KCH valve team | Aortic - Monday, 8-9am Contact: Stephen Brecker |